Christopher Hansen
I came to Urbana to study Electrical Engineering at the U of I. By the time I graduated, I had my own small business and I was also doing some contract work for the Army Corps of Engineers. I liked Urbana, so I stayed!
I’m not a huge fan of social media, but I have projects here and there which I like to share with people, so I made this page to share my various interests and escapades.
Click on the different pages and websites below to see what I’ve been working on!
There is also a much longer about me here, if you’re interested.
I founded Check CU due to the failures of other local news media to cover issues of importance. The Champaign-Urbana area suffers from too many incestuous relationships and that has the effect of causing issues of corruption and incompetence to go unreported, or to be reported dishonestly.
In 2016, I began collecting lumber from tree work in my neighborhood (either planned trimming/removal or storm damage). Urbana has a lot of interesting old-growth trees, and I always thought it was unfortunate that they mostly just get turned into wood chips. I figured I could start building things with locally-sourced lumber.
Illinois Docs is a crowd-sourced data repository for any information relating to government operations, or any activity in which the public has a vested interest. We are not associated with any government, or any other non-governmental orginization, and we don’t have a profit-motive. Our only interest is in the capture and safekeeping of information.
In 2015, I was arrested and prosecuted for a robbery that never happened. Even though I was proven to be completely innocent, that experience had a severe and detrimental impact on my life, and it is the primary reason that I became involved in local politics. In December of 2018, I documented the incident on CorruptCU.com, and the site had over 20,000 visitors on the second day of publishing.